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Notice, Nudge, Narrate.


The 3N strategy is a adult-child language guide for the moments of the day where nothing specific is planned, but yet important and educational things can or are happening. These moments are often routine or caregiving stages of the day like meal times, nappy changes or transitions. Notice: refers to the adults using language confirming to the child that they are being responsive to them and are present, Nudge: is a suggestion, a scaffold, or can even look like a question to encourage the child to try something new or think outside the box. Narrate: is using words to tell a story about what is happening. This strategy isn't a 'must do' - instead it is just a guide for what can be said and this looks different for each child. The amazing team at Ballarat North ELC have been practicing their 3N strategy and Miss Erica had a beautiful interaction with a child eating a yummy banana. Due to the age of the child the verbal responses are limited but Miss Erica made it known that she was interested in the child, loved talking to her and enjoyed her company! The child responded using body language like eye contact and expressive language. Now imagine if every child had this opportunity to feel wanted and responded to. Well done Ballarat LO 1.1- Children feel safe, secure and supported. LO 5 - Children are effective communicators. Element 5.1.1 Positive educator and child interactions. Element 1.2.2 Responsive Teaching and Scaffolding.

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